Sabtu, Januari 31, 2009

Demam Facebook menular ke Capres RI 2009

Menjelang Pemilihan Presiden RI 2009 para Capres dan Caleg terserang deman Facebook. Online social networking kian diminati dan digemari para pejabat, caleg, maupun capres sebagai salah satu media kampanye. Sepertinya mereka melihat "sebagian" strategi sukses yang menjadi salah satumedia berkampanye Presiden terpilih United State of America, Barack Obama melanggeng ke White House.

Berikut beberapa nama calon Presiden RI 2009 yang ber-Facebook, daftar tersebut di copy dari artikel Capres RI 2009 ber-Facebook yang di tulis oleh Andi Bagus Ruhendra :

1. Bapak Susilo Bambang Yudhoyono
Presiden RI yang menjabat 2004 hingga sekarang ini berasal dari partai Demokrat.

2. Ibu Megawati Soekarnoputri
Calon Presiden RI dari partai PDI Perjuangan

3. Bapak Prabowo Subianto
Calon Presiden RI dari partai Gerakan Indonesia Raya

4. Bapak Wiranto
Calon Presiden RI dari partai Hati Nurani Rakyat

5. Bapak Abdurrahman Wahid
Calon Presiden RI dari partai Kebangkitan Bangsa

6. Bapak Rizal Mallarangeng
Calon Presiden RI dari partai RM ( Rizal Mallarangeng / jalur independen)

7. Bapak Hidayat Nur Wahid
Calon Presiden RI dari partai Keadilan Sejahtera

Nampaknya, demam media jejaring sosial ini melanda dari ABG, Artis, Eksekutif Muda, Pejabat Pemerintahan hingga para Capres dan Caleg negeri ini.

Lalu apakah mereka tertular demam ngeblog juga?

Selasa, Januari 13, 2009

Pelangi Alangkah Indahmu (Dimanakah kamu?)

Fenomena alam ini biasa muncul sehabis hujan. Begitu indah sehingga menginspirasi banyak lagu, dongeng, dan legenda.

Pelangi adalah pembiasan cahaya. Ketika dibiaskan, cahaya akan berubah arah. Biasanya pembelokan ini terjadi ketika cahaya pindah dari medium satu ke yang lain. Hal ini terjadi karena cahaya bergerak dengan kecepatan dan medium (prisma kaca) berbeda.

Selain membiaskan cahaya, prisma memisahkan cahaya putih menjadi komponen warnanya. Warna cahaya yang berlainan ini berbeda frekuensinya, sehingga memiliki kecepatan tempuh berbeda ketika memasuki suatu zat.

Cahaya yang kecepatannya rendah di dalam kaca akan dibelokkan lebih tajam ketika pindah dari udara ke kaca, karena perbedaan kecepatannya berlainan. Tak mengherankan jika komponen yang membentuk cahaya putih dipisahkan berdasarkan frekuensinya ketika melewati kaca. Pada prisma, cahaya akan dibelokkan dua kali, ketika masuk dan keluar, sehingga penyebaran cahaya terjadi.

Tetesan air hujan dapat membiaskan dan menyebarkan cahaya mirip sebuah prisma. Dalam kondisi yang tepat, pembiasan cahaya ini membentuk pelangi.

= = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = =

Tetapi apakah anda ingat.....

"Kapan terakhir anda melihat pelangi?"

Kandungan Rokok

Ini pasti bukan informasi baru bagi anda, bagi yang baru mencoba maupun yang sudah "kecanduan". Namun kiranya dapat membuat temen-temen yang membaca artikel ini untuk lebih bijak dalam menentukan pilihan!
Bahaya Merokok
Mungkin anda sudah tahu bahwa menghisap asap rokok orang lain di dekat anda lebih berbahaya bagi anda daripada bagi si perokok itu sendiri. Asap Utama adalah asap rokok yang terhisap langsung masuk ke paru-paru perokok lalu di hembuskan kembali. Asap Sampingan adalah asap rokok yang dihasilkan oleh ujung rokok yang terbakar.
Masalahnya adalah, udara yang mengandung asap rokok, dan anda hisap, akan mengganggu kesehatan, karena asap rokok mengandung banyak zat-zat berbahaya, diantaranya :
Mengandung bahan kimia yang beracun, sebagainya merusak sel paru-paru dan meyebabkan kanker.
Gas beracun yang dapat mengakibatkan berkurangnya kemampuan darah membawa oksigen.
Salah satu jenis obat perangsang yang dapat merusak jantung dan sirkulasi darah, nikotin membuat pemakainya kecanduan.
Bila anda berada di ruangan berasap rokok cukup lama,
maka ketiga zat beracun di atas akan masuk ke paru-paru anda.
Selama beberapa tahun terakhir, para ilmuwan telah membuktikan bahwa zat-zat kimia yang dikandung asap rokok dapat mempengaruhi orang-orang tidak merokok di sekitarnya.
Perokok pasif dapat meningkatkan risiko penyakit kanker paru-paru dan jantung koroner. Lebih dari itu menghisap asap rokok orang lain dapat memperburuk kondisi pengidap penyakit :
Nyeri dada akibat penyempitan pembuluh darah pada jantung.
Mengalami kesulitan bernafas.
Iritasi akibat asap rokok.
Gejala-gejala gangguan kesehatan :
iritasi mata, sakit kepala, pusing, sakit tenggorokan, batuk dan sesak nafas.
Wanita hamil yang merokok atau menjadi perokok pasif, meyalurkan zat-zat beracun dari asap rokok kepada janin yang dikandungnya melalui peredaran darah. Nikotin rokok menyebabkan denyut jantung janin bertambah cepat, karbon monoksida menyebabkan berkurangya oksigen yang diterima janin.
Anak-anak yang orangtuanya merokok menghadapi kemungkinan lebih besar untuk menderita sakit dada, infeksi telinga, hidung dan tenggorokan. Dan mereka punya kemungkinan dua kali lipat untuk dirawat di rumah sakit pada tahun pertama kehidupan mereka.
Banyak orang tahu bahaya merokok, tapi tidak banyak yang peduli.
Melihat bahaya-bahaya yang dapat ditimbulkan rokok, kiranya diantara kita perlu bahu-membahu berbuat tiga hal utama :
Komunikasi dan informasi tentang bahaya merokok, baik bagi si perokok langsung maupun perokok pasif.
Menyediakan tempat-tempat khusus bagi orang yang merokok agar yang bukan perokok tidak terkena dampak negatifnya.
Jangan merasa segan untuk menegur perokok, jika anda merasa terganggu.

10 Reasons To Take A Walk

“I have two doctors, my left leg and my right.”

- George Trevelyan

Take a WalkWhat if there was a miracle pill that if you took it each day would give you a 20% less chance of getting cancer, a 30% less chance of getting heart disease, a 50% less chance of diabetes, and would help you live longer and healthier into old age. How much would you pay for it? Wouldn’t you insist your children, parents, and loved ones take it, too?

Well, according to some health studies published in major medical journals an hour a day of walking will reap all of these health benefits for you.

Millions of people seem to think that if they can’t join a spa and spend a lot of time working out, they might as well forget about health benefits from exercise. Yet, that isn’t true. Dr. Russell Pate of the University of South Carolina says:

“I think we have to officially sanction the idea that a nice, comfortable walk around the block after dinner is a very desirable thing to do.”

There’s no doubt about it, walking is good for you. It’s good for your heart, it’s good for your lungs, it’s good for the muscle and bone growth and it’s good for your feeling of wellbeing!

Walking is one of the most beneficial forms of “daily activity” and type of exercise which we can do that carries the least risk! Just about all of us can do it; we all know how to do it; we can do it almost everywhere, anytime, and as a form of exercise it offers us lots of variety. What more can we ask for?

So, here are ten reasons to take a walk:

1. General Health And Longevity

Regular participation in physical activity like walking is associated with reduced mortality rates for both older and younger adults. In other words, walkers live longer!

In particular, walking has a high impact on cardiovascular disease. Fit and active individuals have around half the risk of cardiovascular disease compared to unfit inactive people. This level of risk is similar to smoking, high blood pressure or high cholesterol in causing heart disease.

Fit walkers are less likely to fall and suffer injuries such as hip fractures because the bones are strengthened; less likely to sustain injury because joints have a better range of movement and muscles are more flexible; less prone to depression and anxiety; tend to be good sleepers; and are better able to control body weight.

For general health, a total of 30 minutes of brisk walking, preferably all days of the week, are recommended by experts.

2. Lose Weight

Control of body weight occurs when the calories taken in as food are balanced with the calories expended through walking and other physical activities. The key issue for weight control is to maximize the total volume of calories used, and to combine this with healthy eating.

We can break it up by adding an extra block, an extra flight of stairs, a longer walk to the car. Do we live in an urban area? Let’s go to the store instead of ordering in! Do we have a problem with evening snacking? Let’s take a walk!

Walking at a moderate pace burns calories and if we walk for longer periods of time even slowly, we will burn more body fat. Our body uses fat for its slow burning energy requirements. Think a few calories here and there won’t add up? Think again! An extra 100 calories a day burned by walking can amount to a 10lbs weight loss in one year without really trying.

3. Mental Health

Walking has been shown to improve self esteem, relieve symptoms of depression and anxiety, and improve mood. Walking, particularly in pleasant surroundings, and with other people, offers many opportunities for relaxation and social contact.

Fresh air, a few deep breaths, and a break in our indoor environment can bring more oxygen to our brain, give a glow to our skin and give us a few minutes to de-stress!

4. Gain Aerobic Power

Regular exercise carried out three times a week for 30 minutes or more at the right intensity will result in increases of aerobic power.

Even 10-minute brisk walks can increase fitness, provided that they are brisk enough. One study at Loughbrough University found that women walking continuously for 30 minutes 5 days a week had almost identical increases in fitness as women who split their 30 minutes into three 10-minute walks. Perhaps even more encouraging was that the short walkers lost more weight and reported greater decreases in waist circumference than the long walkers.

5. Reduce Risk of Glaucoma and Cancer

Dr. Michael Passo of Oregon Health Sciences University has found that starting a walking program lowered the intraocular pressure of 40 sedentary individuals, which decreased their risk of glaucoma.

Also a large study of 80,000 men and women in Scandinavia in the 1970’s uncovered the role of walking and other exercise in preventing colon cancer. Moderate recreational activity was enough to bring a 40% reduction in the risk of colon cancer among women. The theory is that walking, by speeding up the speed up the passage of ingested foods through the colon, gives less time for carcinogens in the food to be in contact with the intestinal lining.

6. Lowers Blood Sugar

Researchers have found that hills are good both ways. Uphill gives you a cardiovascular workout and lowers triglycerides, but downhill has now proven superior for lowering blood sugar levels. Do either to reduce LDL cholesterol. Dr. Heinz Drexel reported his findings to the American Heart Association Scientific Sessions in November, 2004.

7. Walk Away From Colds

Can regular walking keep you from suffering the misery of colds? Studies suggest that it can.

One study of 50 women divided them into a group who walked briskly for 45 minutes a day, 5 days a week, and a control group that did not exercise. The walkers experienced half as many colds as the control group. The walkers also showed an increase in natural killer cells, immune system cells that attack bacteria and viruses.

8. Boost Energy

Walking require energy, as does everything. In addition to expending energy, however, physical activity also gives people increased energy throughout the entire day.

The immune system, too, gets a big boost from regular walking. A healthy immune system helps fight diseases, and speeds recovery from all kinds of injuries. The less time a person is ill, the more energy a person has to spend on living well.

9. Feel Calmer and Sleep Soundly

Physical activity like walking can make you feel more alert during the day, but it also makes you feel calmer and sleep more soundly. When people are active, their body temperature rises and warms their insides. This soothes the body, like a warm bath, and causes a person to feel calmer. This feeling, along with the lower anxiety and stress and physical benefits of walking, helps a person to sleep soundly at night.

10. Endorphins: The Natural High

When a person is physically active or is brisk walking for a certain period of time - about 20 minutes or longer - the body releases endorphins, proteins in the brain that act as the body’s natural pain reliever. When endorphins are released, a person may experience a feeling of euphoria. Many people enjoy this feeling and look forward to the natural high they get from keeping physically fit.

Whatever your reasons for walking, it offers many benefits to improve your life. And because it is low impact, walking can have a definite advantage over such activities as running and aerobics. As a result, there is less chance of injury to joints and muscles. Indeed, walking is the number one activity recommended by fitness experts.

So, for your well-being, take a walk!
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